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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: Referential integrity can be enforced if both _______________ belong to the same Microsoft Access databas
  1. queries
  2. fields
  3. records
  4. tables

Q2. Ms Access: A(n) _______________ query locates data from one or more tables.

  1. select
  2. summary
  3. parameter
  4. action
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following separates primary file and extension is

  1. Dot
  2. Period
  3. Point
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?

  1. Floppy Disk
  2. Hard Disk
  3. Compact Disk
  4. Magneto Optic Disk
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of the following devices can be sued to directly image printed text?

  1. OCR
  2. OMR
  3. MICR
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Computer professionals working in a computer centre are

  1. Software
  2. Firmware
  3. Hardware
  4. Humanware
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: In MS-Word, for what does ruler help?

  1. to set tabs
  2. to set indents
  3. to change page margins
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: “Ctrl + End” is used to

  1. Moves the cursor to the end of Line
  2. Moves the cursor to the end of Document
  3. Moves the cursor to the end of Paragraph
  4. None of the Above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: What is the propose to a sub datasheet?

  1. To provide a hierarchial view of related tables or queries in a single window
  2. To display grouped data in a report
  3. To display summarized dat
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following are loaded in safe mode?

  1. Keyboard driver
  2. Mouse driver
  3. VGA drive
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

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